D5a === .. _d5a_description: Description ----------- The D5a module is a 16 channel DC voltage source dedicated to setting gate-voltages on samples. Each channel on the D5a is controlled by the same 18-bit DACs (Digital to Analog converters). .. figure:: ./figures/FrontD5a.png :height: 600px :align: left :alt: A D5a voltage module. On the front of each D5a module you find: - **16 x MCX**: DC voltage source with software-selectable range (±4, ±2, +4 V), 18-bit resolution, 550 Ohm output impedance with a 100 KHz low-pass filter. The compliance current is ±7.3 mA. - **1 x switch**: Switch to ramp all outputs down to zero volts. Specifications -------------- Output characteristics ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +-----------------------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+ | Parameter | Value | Units | Conditions | +=============================+===============+=======================+====================+ | Analog channels | 16 | | MCX connectors | +-----------------------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+ | Range | ±4, ±2, +4 | V | | +-----------------------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+ | Compliance current | ±7.3 | mA | | +-----------------------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+ | Impedance | 550 | Ω | | +-----------------------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+ Static performance ****************** +----------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+ | Parameter | Value | Units | Conditions | +==================================+===============+=======================+====================+ | Resolution (vertical) | 18 | bit | | +----------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+ | Differential Non-Linearity (DNL) | ±0.2 | LSB | Typical value | +----------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+ | Integral Non-Linearity (INL) | ±0.5 | LSB | Typical value | +----------------------------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+ Dynamic performance ******************* +-----------------------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+ | Parameter | Value | Units | Conditions | +=============================+===============+=======================+====================+ | Noise | <70 | nV/√Hz @ 2 Hz | Measured into high | | +---------------+-----------------------+ impedance with | | | <30 | nV/√Hz @ 100 Hz | ±4 V range | +-----------------------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+ | Drift | 0.7 | ppm/°C of range | Measured into high | | +---------------+-----------------------+ impedance with | | | 1.5 | ppm/°C of output | ±4 V range | +-----------------------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+ | Wideband Noise | <0.5 | μVrms | 0.1-10 Hz, measured| | | | | into high impedance| | | | | with ±4 V range | +-----------------------------+---------------+-----------------------+--------------------+ Miscellaneous ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +-----------------------------+----------------------+----------------+--------------------+ | Parameter | Value | Units | Conditions | +=============================+======================+================+====================+ | Power consumption | 1.04 | W | No load | | +----------------------+----------------+--------------------+ | | 1.76 | W | All shorted | | | | | @ max output | +-----------------------------+----------------------+----------------+--------------------+ | Dimensions | 35.3 x 128.7 x 182 | mm³ | | +-----------------------------+----------------------+----------------+--------------------+ | Weight | 0.360 | kg | | +-----------------------------+----------------------+----------------+--------------------+